Volume 11 Issue IV

Effect of NaCl priming duration and concentration on germination behavior of fenugreek.

 Maher Soughir, Elouaer Mohamed Aymen and Hannachi Cherif

Abstract Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

193- 198

Cold acclimation and vegetative/reproductive transition in winter cereals.

Mohsen Janmohammadi

Abstract Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

199 – 205

Quantification of Cry1Ac protein at different stages of plant growth in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). 

Khadim Hussain, Mehbub Ali, Wajad Nazeer, Mueen Alam Khan, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Idrees Khan

Abstract  Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

207 – 210

Hybrid or open pollinated maize varieties? A socio-economic assessment of Nepalese farmers’ experiences. 

Binod Kafle and Pradeep Shah

 Abstract Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

211 – 220

The impact of the use of microbial phytases in the poultry ration for egg production.

Ylli Biçoku, Thanas Piu, Lumturi Sena

Abstract  Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

221 – 226

Preliminary survey of the administration of pgf2α in postpartum dairy cows.

Fejzo Selami, Griseld Selami

 Abstract Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

227 – 230

The epidemiology of a.suum at swines in Albania. 

Edith Juka,  Ilirjan Kumbe,.Esmeralda Sotiri,Bejo Bizhga

 Abstract Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

231 – 235

Serologic studies of swine influenza infection in Albania. 

Valentin Shtjefni, Ilirian Kumbe, Domenico Buonavoglia

 Abstract Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

237 – 241

Monitoring the presence of staphylococcus coagulaso positive in sharri cheese during the traditional ripening. 

Ismail Feratii, Bizena Bijo, Namik Durmishi, Elizabeta Coneva,

Abstract  Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

243 – 246

Comparison of color parameters of red wines produced from Albanian autochthonous grape varieties using tricromatic method. 

Ariola Morina, Renata Kongoli

 Abstract Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

249 – 253

Influence of soy flour in baked products

Majlinda Sana, Gafur Xhabiri, Elton Seferi and Abdyl Sinani

 Abstract Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

255 – 259

Evaluation and monitoring of direct support for the agricultural development in Fieri Region. 

Aida. Bani, Etleva Husi, Erla  Bani,  Elma Vathi

Abstract  Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

261 – 269

The impact of railway (corridor VIII and the line Albania-Montenegro) on the agribusiness development in Albania. 

Fabjola Bramo, Shyqyri Llaci

Abstract  Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

271 – 274

The effect of pellet feed on the performance and nutrient’s digestibility of weaned piglets. 

Flutura Sala, Etleva Delia

Abstract  Full text (PDF); Full text (XML);

275 -278