Guidelines for authors

Categories of Publications

Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences publishes original research articles, review articles, short communications and technical notes on all aspects of agricultural sciences.

Original Research Papers should report the results of original research. They should be written according to the guidelines and should be no longer than 7 Journal pages. 

Review Articles should cover topics within the scope of the journal that are of current state of knowledge. Reviews will often be invited. All reviews will be subject to the same peer review process like original papers. They should not occupy more than 10 Journal pages. They should contain an abstract of 250 words at maximum, a limit of 60 references, and a limit of 8 figures and tables combined. They should contain an introduction, text with relevant headings and a conclusion section. 

A Short Communication Short communication should be a concise but complete description of a limited novel investigation, in new and developing areas of agricultural sciences that does not fulfill the requirements of a full length article. It should not occupy more than 5 journal pages including figures, tables and references. They should include an Abstract no longer than five percent of the paper’s length. Do not use section subdivision. Introduction, material and methods, results and discussion should be in a single section. The title page and reference section format is that of full-length article.

A Technical Note is a detailed report on a new method, technique or procedure that is within the scope of Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. It may be used, if the information cannot be given in the form of an Original Research Article, but that is important for the readers of the journal. They should not occupy more than 4 Journal pages. Back to top.

Instruction to the Authors


Manuscript should contain original work, that is not published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, should focused on the aims and scope of the journal and be written in proper and clear English, and concise. The author(s) should prepare the manuscript according to the following guidelines, otherwise it will be returned to the corresponding author. The manuscript must be submitted by the Corresponding Author, who will provide a cover letter.

Submission of manuscript will be done only electronically, and will be considered if there are submitted as email attachment to the editorial office at: Submission of a manuscript implies that all authors have read and agreed to its content. A manuscript number will be mailed to the corresponding author within a week.
Manuscripts ready for publication are promptly posted online. The manuscripts are considered to be ready for publication when the final proofreading has been performed by authors, and all concerns have been resolved. Authors should note that articles published online are complete and final and thus no changes can be made after online publication.

Copyright /Open Access

Articles published in Albanian J. Agric. Sci. will be Open-Access articles. Once the APC has been paid, the article will be published online, it will be permanently free to access by anyone. All users shall have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles.

The accepted articles cannot be reproduced, even partially, without the expressed consent of the editor of Albanian J. Agric Sci.

Cover Letter

The corresponding author must state clearly that the data have not been published and are not under consideration elsewhere, and that all authors have approved the final manuscript. Possible conflicts of interest (e.g. due to funding, consultancies) must be disclosed. Corresponding author should specify clearly the contribute of each coauthor(s) in manuscript preparation.
The corresponding author is responsible for informing the coauthors of the manuscript’s status throughout the submission, review, publication. In addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address authors should provide telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code). E-mail addresses of all other authors should be provided, so that they can be contacted by the Editorial Office for confirmation of the submission.

File Format

Manuscripts will be accepted in Microsoft Word files.

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts should be typed according to manuscript template. Manuscript should be typed in a paper size A4, top, right and bottom margins should be 0.6″ and left margins 0.7″. It must be typed in Times New Roman, 11, Justified, line space at least 12pt. Each line should be numbered. Every page of the manuscript, including the title page, references, tables, etc., should be numbered. Manuscripts in general should be organized in the following order that must start on a new page and ordered as listed below:

  • Abstract
    • Keywords (indexing terms), normally 3-6 items
    • Material studied, area descriptions, methods, techniques
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • Acknowledgment and any additional information concerning research grants, etc.
    • References

The cover page must contain

  • Title. Must be concise and informative. It should be typed in Times New Roman, 16, bold, justify. Abbreviations and formula should be avoided where possible.
  • Short title. Corresponding author should provide a short title of the manuscript.
  • Names of the authors and affiliations. Full names and addresses of institutions with institutional affiliation of the authors, including department, institution, city, state, below the names. Names of the authors must be written in capital letters, Times New Roman, 10, justify. Different affiliations must be indicated with superscript numbers immediately after the author’s name and in front of the appropriate address. They must be typed in Times New Roman, 9, justify. An asterisk should be used to indicate the corresponding author. Indicate e-mail address telephone and fax number of each author.

The second page should contain an abstract and key words.


It must be a single paragraph that does not exceed 200 -250 words that should state briefly the purpose of the research, cite in a very succinct way the methodology used, summarizes the main results and indicate the main conclusions of the study. It should not contain references. Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if necessary they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself.

Key Words

These words should be very concrete and with a well defined content. They should be carefully chosen and should not repeat the title of manuscript. Key words, not more than 6, should be given immediately after the abstract.

Text must be as succinct as possible and organized in the following sections:


Introduction should be brief and must be focused and describe the background of the object of the study. It must include the significance of the study and a clear statement of the objectives of the study. The purpose of the study should be mentioned at the end of this section. Only essential references should be cited.

Material (or Subjects) and Methods

This section should describe the experimental procedures in sufficient detail to allow other scientists to repeat the experiments. Statistical methods used to summarize data and test hypotheses and the level of significance used for hypothesis testing should be provided.

Results and Discussion

The section should provide data that are clearly and simply stated. The results should be presented logically and concisely, with the help of only essential tables, graphs and histograms or photographs. Repetition of the data in text and tables should be avoided. The main purpose of the discussion is to comment on the significance of the results and to place them in the context of relevant published data. The Discussion should be strictly limited on findings in the manuscript, should be concise containing only discussion that is necessary for interpretation of findings.


Any collaboration and all persons who have contributed in the data and conclusions should be concisely included. Also, any other information regarding research funding etc. should be included. It must be a single paragraph immediately following the discussion.


They must be ordered alphabetically by the first author surname and numbered the entries consecutively. The references should be cited in the text by their list number in the squared brackets. All references cited in the text, should be verified in the References section and vice versa, and well indexed (authors, year, title, magazine, volume, pages, etc.). Journal name should be abbreviated in accordance with the form approved by the ISI Web of Science.

Only articles that are published or in press should be included in this section. Works submitted for publication but not yet accepted, abstracts, personal communications, unpublished data and web addresses must be cited within the text in parentheses.

The style used for common types of references is as follows:

Journals citation
Kliem H, Berisha B, Meyer H, Schams D: Regulatory changes of apoptotic factors in the bovine corpus luteum after induced luteolysisMolecular Reproduction and Development 2009, 76(3): 220-230.

Book citation
Lodish HF, Berk A: Molecular cell biology: WH Freeman; 2008.

Chapter of a book citation
Griffiths AJ: DNA: Structure and replication. In: Introduction to genetic analysis: WH Freeman; 2005: 920-940.

Dissertation or thesis citation
Yetim, H.: Biochemical and structural alteration of restructured fish muscle as influenced by egg white tumbling and storage time. PhD Dissertation. The Ohio State University, Colombus, Ohio, USA. 1993.

Published proccedings citation
Podgrabinska S, Braun P, Velasco P, Kloos B, Pepper MS, Jackson DG, Skobe M: Molecular characterization of lymphatic endothelial cellsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 200299(25): 16069.

Unpublished material citation
Arat, S., Rzucidlo, S.J., Stice, S.L.: Transgenic bovine nuclear embryos from adult somatic cell linesTurk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., In press.
Table and figures

Do not repetitiously show the same data in both a table and a figure. Tables should be created using the table function. The tables and the figures should have a concise title, should be sufficiently clear and simple, in order to be comprehensible without having to refer to the text. Place caption to the first row of the tables. Tables and figures should be numbered using consecutively Arabic numbers and referred to in the text by number. Additional information should be given as a footnote on the table or figure. Place footnotes to the last row of the tables and indicate them with superscript lowercase letters. Table and figure legends should follow the main text, each on a separate page. Possibly, the tables must be the sufficiently short, in order to avoid dividing them. All table columns should have a clear heading.
Authors may use photographs, schemes, diagrams, line graphs and bar charts to illustrate their findings. The figures and their lettering should be clear and easy to read i.e. no labels should be too large or too small. Figures must be submitted in gray scale. Graphs must be two dimensional, displaying labels and units. Back to top.

Manuscript Template

The template for the manuscript preparation is provided hereBack to top.