Editiorial Policy

The manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original, have not been published and are not going to be considered for publication elsewhere (as whole, or even partially). Authors should certify that neither the manuscript nor its main content have already been published or submitted for publication in another journal and that, if the manuscript will be accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written permission of Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences.

Editorial and Peer Review Process

The Editors initially assess the appropriateness, quality and importance of each submitted manuscript for publication. Manuscripts that do not meet the aim and the scope of the journal are sent back to the author(s) without a review. Manuscripts that –satisfy the editorial criteria are reviewed by an editor and members of the Editorial Board, or by external expert reviewers recruited by the Editor. The peer review process is double blinded.

Acceptance of the manuscript is done by the editor, based on the recommendations of the referees Decision of referee is made as “acceptance without revision”, “acceptance after minor revision”, “reconsider after major revision” and “rejection”. The manuscript is sent to an additional referee if there is not agreement between the recommendations of referees or/and the authors have concern about the recommendations. When revision of a manuscript is requested, authors must deliver the modified version within two months. If necessary, an additional period of two weeks is granted. If these deadlines are not met, the manuscript will be treated as a new submission. Resubmitted manuscripts with major revisions will be sent for re-review before making a final decision. Authors who are asked to submit a revised version of their manuscript, should also provide a cover letter describing in detail how they have followed all suggestions for its improvement and addressing all points of concern raised by the referees. Final decision is made by the Editor Office, and in cases of conflict, by the Editor-in-Chief. Three repeated “reconsider after major revision” are considered as “rejected”. The reviewed manuscript is sent back to the corresponding author together with the recommended revisions. Authors are asked to pay a fee of 50 Euros per processed paper, but only if the article is accepted for publication in AJAS after peer review and revision of the manuscript. For more information see Publication Fee. (Back to top)