Seasonal and Temperature Dependent Variations in Amino Acid Profiles of Smoke-dried Catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell, 1822) using Traditional and Eco-Friendly Kilns in Lagos, Nigeria


1Fisheries Research Unit, Department of Marine Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos State, Nigeria

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Smoke-dried Clarias gariepinus (catfish) is a major source of animal protein and livelihood for many people in Lagos State. The subjectivity of the smoke-drying process using Traditional Drum Kiln (TDK) and epileptic power supply experienced in Lagos Nigeria and its effects on amino acids profile of smoke-dried catfish was ascertained in this study. TDK was constructed as used in fishing villages in Lagos State and a new Eco-Friendly Kiln (EFK) was constructed to have flame, drying and electronic components. The smoke-drying was done in both wet and dry seasons and stored at ambient and refrigerated temperatures of 28 and 4 0C respectively. The amino acid profiles were determined according to standard procedures. The smoke-drying temperature was standardized at 60 – 80 0C with the aid of electronic components and smoke-drying carried out for 24 ± 3 hours. The highest and lowest essential amino acids were found to be Lysine at 10.11 using EFK and Methionine at 2.23 using TDK when both were stored at ambient temperature in dry season. The highest and lowest non-essential amino acids were found to be Glutamate at 15.13 using EFK in dry season and Cystine at 1.00 using TDK in wet season when both were stored at ambient temperature. Recorded values were significantly different using both kilns with generally higher values using EFK and also showed that epileptic power supply denatures amino acids.

Keywords: Amino acids, African Catfish, Smoke-drying kilns and Lagos State.